Ultimate Green Solution for Treating Solid and Slurry Wastes
Solution for solid and slurry waste. Converts all kinds of waste into low volume and weight, low loading, value adding end products.
Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetable, waste can be biologically converted in 12-24 hours into powder form soil amendment or fertilizer using the Ultravete® bioconversion technology.

Hazardous waste
Ultraverte® biocovnersion process is effective in treating varies type of oily sludge including crude oil, lubricant oil, car waste, paint waste. It drastically reduces the total petroleum hydrocarbon and allow end product for safe land fill.
DAF Sludge and General waste
Various types of dissolved air floating process sludge can be digested and bio converted to dry solids within 24 hours. Factory general waste which may contain plastics, paper, food can be converted within 24 hours to remove organic matters, leaving loose plastics that can be sieved out.

Odorous waste conversion
Odourous offal waste, hatchery waste and putraceable organic waste can be converted rapidly, with complete elimination of odour.
Landfill application
Ultraverte bioconversion system has been applied in landfill for leachate odour control, leachate elimination, green waste conversion, and kerbside waste reduction.

Detailed information can be found in case studies